Easy setup guide

Getting connected to your new router is simple! Follow these steps to get online:

First, prepare your SIM.

For 4G routers:

  • 4G routers require the SIM to be the largest size (whole SIM). Remove the SIM from its holder, but do not remove any of the plastic casing around the SIM. 
  • Insert your new SIM card into the router by opening the labelled SIM card cover to reveal a slot and pushing the card inside.

For 5G routers:

  • 5G routers require the sim to be in the smallest size (Nano). Remove the plastic casing surrounding the SIM until it is as small as possible. 
  • For 5G routers, the direction that the sim needs to go in should be displayed on the device itself, and it must be pushed all the way in until it ‘clicks’ into place. You may need to push with your fingernail for this to happen.


Connect the power adapter to the router and plug it into the wall.

The 5G or 4G signal light will illuminate when the device finds a connection.

A green or blue light indicates a strong connection, yellow is moderate and red is a weak connection.

Once the router has connected to the mobile network, you can connect your device as you would with any other WiFi network.

The default network name and password are printed on a label on the base of your router. 

To get the best speeds, place your router somewhere elevated from the ground (on a bench or table), without any obstacles. You should also ensure your router is at least 1 metre away from large electronic devices (don’t hide it behind your TV), and away from thick internal walls with a line of sight outdoors.